Google Killed This Blog!! Good-Bye and Happy New Year!! FY Google for becoming the Evil Empire who kills free speech!

FY Google for becoming the Evil Empire who kills free speech!

FY Google for becoming the Evil Empire who kills free speech!

Google killed my blog. It is hard to imagine that Google has such power, but they ‘accidentally’ killed this blog. On November 23, all traffic from Google (about 98% of my 200-300 daily visitors came from Google search) to this blog stopped.

Even though I had not posted in 2 months, they felt I had some how violated their quality. No clue as to what the real issues was, just “We don’t like your site, fuck you, your dead now.”

I wrote them saying they made a mistake, and a few days later, they wrote back and said “Sorry, we made a mistake.”

It has been a month and change, and I am lucky to get 10 visitors to the site in a day. They have not restored my traffic, the site is not visible on the Google index, and I have no clue as to why.

Below are the messages of this issue:

Google Webmaster Tools: Quality Issues on
Nov 23, 2012

Dear site owner or webmaster of,
We’ve detected that some of your site’s pages may be using techniques that are outside Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support.
Google Search Quality Team

Reconsideration request for
Nov 27, 2012

We’ve received a request from a site owner to reconsider how we index the following site:
We’ll review the site. If we find that it’s no longer in violation of our Webmaster Guidelines, we’ll reconsider our indexing of the site. Please allow several weeks for the reconsideration request. We do review all requests, but unfortunately we can’t reply individually to each request.

Reconsideration request for Manual spam action revoked
Nov 29, 2012

Dear site owner or webmaster of,
We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
Previously the webspam team had taken manual action on your site because we believed it violated our quality guidelines. After reviewing your reconsideration request, we have revoked this manual action. It may take some time before our indexing and ranking systems are updated to reflect the new status of your site.

Of course, there may be other issues with your site that could affect its ranking without a manual action by the webspam team. Google’s computers determine the order of our search results using a series of formulas known as algorithms. We make hundreds of changes to our search algorithms each year, and we employ more than 200 different signals when ranking pages. As our algorithms change and as the web (including your site) changes, some fluctuation in ranking can happen as we make updates to present the best results to our users. If your site continues to have trouble in our search results, please see this article for help with diagnosing the issue.

Thank you for helping us to maintain the quality of our search results.

Google Search Quality Team

FY Google!!

I will keep this site up, since there is some traffic from Yahoo and Bing, and it is a free site, but I am not going to post to it anymore.

FY Google for ‘accidentally’ killing this blog.

FY Google for becoming the Evil Empire who kills free speech!

In Wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, the National Rifle Association’s Response is to Say that All Schools Need Armed Guards!

In Wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, the National Rifle Association's Response is to Say that All Schools Need Armed Guards!

In Wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, the National Rifle Association’s Response is to Say that All Schools Need Armed Guards!

It is insulting enough to have to sit through the daily humiliation of the whole Fiscal Clift debacle, but now in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings – we have to have our basic intelligence and humanity insulted by the National Rifle Association.

One week after the senseless gun murders of 26 people, the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) executive vice president stated, “The most effective way to protect our children from horrors like last week’s school shooting in Connecticut is to provide armed security personnel at all schools”.

Really, is that all they could come up with, more guns in schools?

Is it simple, when you get a gun, bring a gun, buy a gun, the probability that the gun will kill somebody goes way up. If the there is no gun, then the probability is closer to zero.

The solution is not more guns, it’s less guns.

In the United States, there are 3.2 gun homicides per 100,000 residents every year. Switzerland has the next highest rate of any advanced Western democracy, at 0.7 per 100,000.


In a 2011 Galup poll, 47% of ofhouseholds said they have at least 1 gun at home.

According to CNN:

40% of guns are sold through unlicensed, private sellers.

There are 5,400 Licensed firearms manufacturers in the United States in 2011.

310 million — Total number of nonmilitary firearms in the United States as of 2009.

1 gun for every man, woman and child in America.


The NRA has approximately 4.3 million members, and they claim they are the standard-bearer for protecting the Second Amendment of the US Consistution.

They are a wealthy organization, who promotes thier policies and protect the consummer weapons industry by bribing government officials with standard lobbying practices and generious campaign donations. During the 2012 election cycle, the NRA donated $719,596 to various candidates around the country. Of course, Republicans received most ofthat money ($634,146) according to the Center for Responsive Politics’ analysis of federal campaign data. There are Democracte who get bribed as well, $85,450 went to various Democrats, most of them in states that are considered more conservative when it comes to gun control laws.


1) Write your congressman ( is an easy way to do this) and tell them you want an Assault Rifle ban that include limits on clip sizes and the amount of ammunition one person can buy at a time.

For more information on

2) Support local Gun Buy Back programs. There are usually city based programs in which money is paid to people turning in their guns. These programs have been show to have great effect in getting guns off the streets.

In closing, I would like to say, good luck America, and remember to duck when you hear gun shots.

In Wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, the National Rifle Association's Responce is to Say that All Schools Need Armed Guards! - Thanks NRA

In Wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, the National Rifle Association’s Response is to Say that All Schools Need Armed Guards! – Thanks NRA

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Chief Justice John Roberts revealed in the final Supreme Court ruling, that he had joined the liberal wing in a 5-4 ruling that the federal government indeed has the power to impose a penalty on those who fail to buy insurance, and that as a whole the law is constitutional.

It was a truly stunning moment for many, especially President Obama; since everyone in Washington and the country had expected the Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) to issue a narrow 5-4 decision along party lines striking down all or part of the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional.

The man of the hour for this, was actually Chief Justice John Roberts, who determined that the individual mandate was valid since the government could impose it as a tax, not under the Interstate Commerce Clause, as the administration had argued.

Roberts joined the high court’s liberal wing – Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – in upholding the law. Four conservative justices – Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas – dissented.

Full SCOUS release:


Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory


As to whether the Affordable Care Act will really benefit you, or the country will be left to history to decide.

As you can tell from my article on Healthcare:

As a solution for America’s healthcare issues, the Affordable Care Act doesn’t really fix the problem, but at least it is a step forward.

This decision by the Supreme Court gives both sides something to work with in this election – spin.


This is a victory for the President, anyway you look at it. His signature act, has been validated as constitutional, and although the Republicans and their SuperPAC’s have spent hundreds of millions of dollar telling everyone that this act is evil and unconstitutional, SCOTUS cleared it of doubt and will allow it’s implementation in 2014. The evil Kenyan President has been declared constitutional…


He can now claim that President Obama has raised your taxes, and that on the first day as President he will repeal the Affordable Care Act. OK, he can’t actually do that, since he will need 60% of the Senate to vote to repeal the act, and this election will not allow that to happen. His current new theme this day is ‘Repeal and Replace’ and that Obamacare is a tax increase. Since he doesn’t release any details about how he is going to do anything, Romney will probably not define his ‘replace’ details so nobody will be able to compare and/or criticize it.

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory


Although the SCOTUS decision on the Affordable Care Act was a surprise with Roberts moving to the liberal side, some of the dissenting judges have a valid point – this decision effectively allows Congress to tell people they must do something, or get taxed.

I don’t see this being a big issue, since Congress is now so divided and useless that they will really never pass many acts that have something like the Individual mandate. This is not the death of freedom in America, but it is something that we all should be aware of and watch Congress carefully on this issue.

President Obama has done something unique, he got a compressive healthcare act passed by Congress, and found Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

He was helped by Chief Justice John Roberts who came up with the ‘it’s a tax’ argument that made the individual mandate constitutional, but I think Roberts sided with the Liberal because he was conscious that his 5-4 Bush election, and the 5-4 Citizens United rulings where votes that will historically be seen as partisan court rulings.

I think Roberts has become aware, that if he wants to have history judge him well, he can’t vote on party lines, but instead he has to focus on the Constitution.

I also think he was smart about it, and gave Romney the Obama is raising your taxes with Obamacare, but I think the American people will see through that one easily.

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare – John Roberts sides with Liberal Justices and Hand President Obama A Stunning Victory

How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future – What You and Our Government Can Do About It

Obama Romney 2012 - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future – What You and Our Government Can Do About It

Obama Romney 2012 – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future – What You and Our Government Can Do About It

The 2012 American election is going to be about one thing – The Economy. Why the economy? Because unemployment is high which mean a lot of people do not have jobs, and this makes everyone nervous with the fear that they will never get a job; or for the employed, that they will become unemployed soon.

So really, the election is about Jobs, and which Candidate/Party can change the situation in a positive way that will give people hope that the can get a job, or keep their job.

The sides are clearly divided; one side is less government, low taxes, the rich will help the poor –  the other side is more government, higher taxes, and wealth redistribution will help the poor.

The fact is that elections are won by the person who has the most money. For this election, this will be the Republicans.

That is cynical you say:

In the 2008-2010 elections, 93 percent of House of Representatives races and 94 percent of Senate races; the candidate who spent the most money ended up winning, according to a post-election analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The findings are based on candidates’ spending as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

The Buck Will Not Stop Here

OK, so Romney wins, how will that really affect the economy and jobs? That is a good question, because Romney has yet to actually spell out the details of his economic plan, except to say that it is based on ‘Republican economics principles’.

The U.S. economy has expanded at a healthy clip for most of the last 70 years, but by a wide range of measures, it stagnated in the first decade of the new millennium.

Job growth was essentially zero, and modest job creation from 2003 to 2007 wasn’t enough to make up for two recessions in the decade. Rises in the nation’s economic output, as measured by gross domestic product, was weak. And household net worth, when adjusted for inflation, fell as stock prices stagnated, home prices declined in the second half of the decade and consumer debt skyrocketed.

The below chart shows a definite flattening of job growth curve during the Republican term of George Bush:

Job Growth Chart by President, Since 1950 - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Job Growth Chart by President, Since 1950 – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

The numbers below are the overall jobs growth data for each presidential term from Carter till Obama and based are Bureau of Labor Statistics.

President                Party    Term              Ave. Job Growth for Term
Jimmy Carter           D         1977–1981      +2.30%
Ronald Reagan        R         1981–1985      +1.75%
Ronald Reagan        R         1985–1989      +2.53%
George Bush            R         1989–1993      +0.69%
Bill Clinton                 D         1993–1997      +2.60%
Bill Clinton                 D         1997–2001      +1.60%
George W. Bush       R         2001–2005      +0.51%
George W. Bush       R         2005–2009       -0.84%
Barack Obama         D         2009–2013      +0.75%

The Republican polices of George W. Bush clearly show the lowest and worst job growth numbers since his father. The decade of the 2000’s (The W Bush Decade) shows stunningly low job growth rates, even though the Republican policies of low taxes (Bush Tax Cuts), less government regulation, strong military spending were in full effect:

Job Growth Chart by Decade, Since 1940 - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Job Growth Chart by Decade, Since 1940 – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

The main gist of Romney’s campaign right now is that there have been no jobs created during the Obama administration, except for the public sector (government). The data actually shows significant private sector job growth, and declining public sector job growth:

Private and Public Sector Job Growth Chart - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Private and Public Sector Job Growth Chart – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Damn Commies

The Republicans are positioning themselves against the Democrats by stating that Obamas policies are ‘Socialist’ and are destroying job growth in the USA.

The Facts say something else:

654,000: The net gain in jobs since the national job number hit a 10-year low of 129.6 million in December 2009, seasonally adjusted.

54.2 million: The number of jobs created during the nearly 30 years in which Democrats have held the presidency, beginning with President Truman in April 1945. (Comparable BLS data is not available for full presidencies before then.)

34.6 million: The number of jobs created during the 36 years in which Republicans have controlled the White House during the same time period.

4.3 million: The jobs created since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009. More than the 8 years that George W. Bush was in office.

1.1 million: The number of jobs gained under President George W. Bush, the smallest job growth for any president completing at least one term. The seasonally adjusted jobs number fell in each of Bush’s last 12 months in office as 4.4 million jobs were lost.

22.7 million: The number of jobs gained under President Clinton, the biggest job growth of any president.

This chart shows how job growth experienced it worst decline ever as the Bush/Republican policies achieved full effect:

Private Sector Job Growth Chart for Bush and Obama - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Private Sector Job Growth Chart for Bush and Obama – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

The Obama/Democrats policies clearly had a positive effect on job growth, even though we still have traditionally high unemployment:

Unemployment since 1950 - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Unemployment since 1950 – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Job Creation in the 2000’s flattened out, one of the lowest in history, and now unemployment number are coming down at the slowest pace ever recorded after a recession.

The question: Is the flat job growth, and slowly declining unemployment number related to the economic policies of our government who has been purchased by the 1% percent and the corporations, or is it something else?

Flat Top

There are many factors related to the question of why job growth has flattened in the last decade, and why employment is taking too long to recover from the recession.

I think one of the most over looked and least discussed factor is the effect that technology has had in our society and economy.

How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

The current conventional thought on technology is that even though technological change may adversely effect the demand for labor in some industries, the overall effect of technological change on total employment may be positive.

Technological change tends to increase the rate of economic growth. Higher rates of economic growth are generally associated with lower unemployment rates.

“Okun’s law,” states that this relationship between changes in the rate of economic growth and the change in the unemployment rate. It says that a 1% increase in the rate of economic growth lowers the unemployment rate by 0.3%. While there is some doubt about the exact magnitude of this effect, there is substantial evidence that unemployment rates tend to fall when the rate of economic growth is higher.
Basically, the jobs created by the economic growth provided by new technology, will off-set the job loses created by the new efficiency and productivity that a new technology will provide.

The question of whether the widespread use of computers in the workplace has enhanced productivity, is an important debate. Preliminary studies suggested that the introduction of computers had no significant effect on productivity. More recent studies have generated mixed results.

It is fairly clear, though, that the widespread introduction of computers has, to date, had a less dramatic effect on productivity and economic growth than resulted from the widespread introduction of such earlier innovations as the steam engine, electricity, and the internal combustion engine.

I think that this train of thought about technology is missing and important point.

How has the technology changed society and the way business functions?

Remote Control

Recently I have discovered through my own work experience in the last year, the real effect of technology on jobs – and why they are not coming back.

20 years ago, in order to run a small service business, you needed 10 employees and a building for them to work out of and meet.

10 years ago, you would need 5 employees, and a building to work out of and meet.

Now, you could run the same business with 2 people, and work out of their homes.

Actually, this is exactly what a growing number of people are doing. They work from home. They find work as a small business, with a website as their business face, and they cruse other websites and Craigslist in search of work.

Many small businesses run with a minimum of people, often spread over the country, working out of their homes.

This way of running a small business is due to the technological advances such as VOIP telephone, video conferencing, internet, payroll and accounting service now provided by you bank and a whole host of other innovations.

For years it has been said that small business power job growth. Well, then if that it true, no wonder job creation has flattened out and slowed in the last decade.

Small businesses are not hiring the numbers of people as they did in the past, and they are not renting small offices like they used to, which is why industrial real estate is so bad.

This does not mean small businesses are not hiring people, but as more and more small businesses become more virtual, then the less people they will need to hire.

There is only so much business to go around, small business can now run very lean, which means there are more of them, but they need significantly less staff with the technology now at hand.

So What to Do About It?

Here are some things that America and it’s people can do about jobs in the new and efficient 2010’s:

1) Create manufacturing jobs for workers who need they type of job, by sticking tariffs on imported goods from countries that have tariffs on our products (like China)

2) Train yourself in the basic computers skills and technologies: Office suite, teleconferencing, basic networking, VOIP, accounting software, website technologies like WordPress and mobile technologies and apps.

3) America needs to find a way to make higher education affordable again. Students are having to take on a mortgage in order to get a basic university education, and there is no really good reason for this high cost.

4) Vote this election.

Good Luck America!!!

Here is the chart the Republicans and Romney don’t want anyone to see or think about:

Causes Of Deficits - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

Causes Of Deficits – How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

1% Romney the Job Creator - How Technology is Making High Unemployment a Fact For the New Work Force of Our Future

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, Tumblr, WordPress, Cheezburger, and a host of other websites are staging a protest today against two ambitious anti-piracy bills, SOPA and PIPA.

The soundtrack for this protest and this post is here:

On Wednesday, January 18th, Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, WordPress,, and hundreds more, will participate in an online protest—a strike, no less—that aims to call attention to two bills snaking their way through Capitol Hill.

Some of the sites will shut down, and others will black out, redirecting users to a landing page with resources to learn more about the bills and contact an elected representative. Google, for its part, smacked a big black bar over its logo on the U.S. homepage.

These websites are hoping to send a clear message to the millions of users who rely on them every day. The goal is to show how SOPA and PIPA could impact their rights and free speech, and how this is going to kill jobs in one of the few bright spots on the economy, which is the Internet.

The Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), have raised the ire of the tech community for what’s being criticized as their broad, irresponsible language written by politicians hoping to please deep-pocketed copyright holders.

Please see my post on Getting the Money out of Politics:


Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) initially introduced the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate in May 2011, which would give the Justice Department the power to take down copyright-infringing websites. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) then followed that up with SOPA on Oct. 26, 2011, for the House, also introducing sweeping anti-piracy legislation intended to empower the U.S. Department of Justice (and copyright holders) to fully crack down on websites that are suspected of hosting their copyrighted material.

Google said in its statement opposing the legislation: “The two bills’ various provisions, however, have since become lightning rods for critics who claim they ultimately would provide the tools for corporations to censor the Web. “Like many businesses, entrepreneurs and web users, we oppose these bills because there are smart, targeted ways to shut down foreign rogue websites without asking American companies to censor the Internet.” provides the following example: “If Warner Bros., for example, says that a site in Italy is [illegally sharing] a copy of The Dark Knight, the studio could demand that Google remove that site from its search results, that PayPal no longer accept payments to or from that site, that ad services pull all ads and finances from it, and—most dangerously—that the site’s ISP prevent people from even going there,” the tech blog explains. A full-on blackout.

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

What if the government feels that a site the criticizes the government has a photo on it that may be violating a copyright – then it can shut it down. IT can shut down the site, and shut down the Freedom of Speech.

This is not the first time, nor the last time that Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism on the Internet are under attack.

Please see my post on Net Neutrality:

Corporations, Governments and Capitalists really don’t like freedom of speech, and especially don’t like the uncontrolled and unpoliced Internet. This freedom of information spread makes it difficult to squeeze every last drop of profit from the consumers of the world if information is not checked and controlled.


Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) defended his SOPA bill by saying: “To enact legislation that protects consumers, businesses and jobs from foreign thieves who steal America’s intellectual property, we will continue to bring together industry representatives and members to find ways to combat online piracy, and I am committed to continuing to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to send a bipartisan bill to the White House that saves American jobs and protects intellectual property.”

I am sorry, but this Job Creators Saves American job bullshit is too much. We live in a global economy. 14 hours in an airplane will get you to pretty much any place in the world, and communication is now instantaneous.

There are no American jobs, there are only jobs. You can buy and sell something made and sold from any country on Earth, the boarder are falling faster then the old people in governments can comprehend.


So what can we do about these ignoent assholes in Washington who are trying to control the Internet so that they can shut down the Freedom of Speech and lure in more campaign donations from corporations who want to benefit by controlling the Internet?

1)      Go to and sign the petition.

2)      Use to write your politicians to have them vote NO on SOPA and PIPA

For more information on

3)      Learn to use a pen and paper again, since that might be the only way you will be able to freely express yourself, once the government has shut down your website/blog for “copyright infringement”.

Good Luck America… and the World.

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

SOPA Internet Protest – The day the Internet went semi-dark to save Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Capitalism

US Senate will vote on secret bill that allows the US military to imprison US civilians with no formal charges and hold them with no trial. Welcome to the end of America.

US Senate will vote on secret bill that allows the US military to imprison civilians with no formal charges and hold them with no trial.  Welcome to the end of America.

US Senate will vote on secret bill that allows the US military to imprison US civilians with no formal charges and hold them with no trial. Welcome to the end of America.

Early this week the Senate will vote on a bill that allows the US military to imprison US civilians with no formal charges and hold them with no trial.

Full ACLU report:

While I understand the intent, which is to allow the US Military to capture terrorists on American soil, without the limits and burdens of the Due Process of Law as laid out in the US Constitution – I feel that in allowing that we have violated the very basic foundation of our Constitution.

I mean seriously, the US Military Intelligence machine has made mistakes in the past, and to allow them to arrest and imprison a US citizen, and leave them no protection under the law – is a crime.

I mean, what if they make a mistake, and arrest you. You will be taken away and put in a secret box some where, until the US Military decides their intelligence is wrong, and they let you free. Of course, they might feel their intelligence is right, and you sit in that box forever.

What if the some whacked out President is told by the corporations that put them in office, to use the military to clear out all the suspected terrorist of the Occupy movement protests or the Tea Party rallies, and stick them in detention indefinitely?

No, this new bill is evil and should not be passed.

US citizens wouldn’t be immune as the legislation aims to declare national territory part of  the “battlefield” in the War on Terror.

Termed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and drafted behind closed doors by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) the NDAA would:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

Welcome to the new US Police State – brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.” Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because “America is part of the battlefield.”

In an effort to stop the bill, Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) is floating the Udall Amendment, which according to the ACLU is:

“A way for the Senate to say no to indefinite detention without charge or trial anywhere in the world where any president decides to use the military. Instead of simply going along with a bill that was drafted in secret and is being jammed through the Senate, the Udall Amendment deletes the provisions and sets up an orderly review of detention power. It tries to take the politics out and put American values back in.”

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

What you can do:

1) Leave the country, and go someplace safe, say like Switzerland.

2) Send a letter to your Sentor by using the ACLU letter:


use to write your politicians and let them know that you are opposed to violating the US Constitution with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and will NOT vote for anyone who votes to approve this bill.

For more information on

3) Call your House of Representative and Senator, and tell them if they vote for the NDAA – that you will vote them out of office in the next election.

4) Dig a hole in your backyard, and hid in it.

5) Join a peaceful street protest against this bill.

6) Send this article on to friends, so they know their rights, freedom and liberty is going to be taken away from them with the bill.

As the insane times and the beginning of the new Dark Ages descend upon our country, I say to all my fellow country men – Good luck America!

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Welcome to the new US Police State - brought to you by the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you – is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

This week-end in New York City, more than 700 peaceful protesters were penned in and arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge. Additional Occupy Protests occurred in Los Angeles and Chicago, with more being planned and organized for next week.

As the song suggests, what we have here is a movement.

[See Links at the bottom of this page for more info.]

It all started with Adbusters call to Occupy Wall Street ( After that, a small group then started and organized more then 2 weeks ago to make it a reality. It was just a little protest that started on Wall St. to protest against the greed and corruption of the top 1% richest Americans.

From – “We are unions, students, teachers, veterans, first responders, families, the unemployed and underemployed. We are all races, sexes and creeds. We are the majority. We are the 99 percent. And we will no longer be silent.

As members of the 99 percent, we occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come.”

Just 2 Weeks Ago
The occupation started 2 weeks ago, and it was absent from the FOX/Murdock News group and many conservative news sites and blogs. Rachael Maddow from MSNBC and Bill Mahar talked about it, but much of the mainstream media did not run much on it.

Well, nothing gets people out like one of their own being arrested, and the students, moms, teachers, and others arrested this weekend are part of the 99% of the US population who don’t earn more than $1 million a year.

After this week-end, even FOX had to start reporting it:

It All Started with Tea
The Tea Party started it, but I think Occupy will finish it. The Government (and the banks who have bought the politicians) is not happy about this Occupy movement. First, they refused them access to Wall Street, and stuck them in a park (Zuccotti Park). So, where are the constitutional Tea Party members now? They are supposed to be zealots when it comes to the constitution, yet I can’t find much from them about the arrests in New York.

The worst thing you can do is arrest people for protesting. Nixon fenced in the area across from the White House and illegally detained thousands. That did not work out so well for him; and in Chicago they thought they could beat and jail kids and shoot some in Ohio – none of which worked out well for the government. To quote the patriots from the days of Chicago – “the whole world is watching”.

The real news of is that the organizers really know how to work Social Media and are becoming very inventive at organizing peaceful protests. They are very good at getting their message out, and my bet is that the whole world will be watching, following and starting their own Occupy protests.

Fear Not…
It is the government’s and the wealthy’s worst fear – the poor and the middle class protesting about income inequality and the corruption of the government.

The preliminary declaration of the occupation listing some of the grievance is posted at

On the site; I found ideas are being discussed for solutions to the problems listed. The process of creating the specific demands from solution ideas seems to be a Democratic Consensus via the websites forum. A Greek forum, but accessible by the whole planet and it seems to be organized very well in order to keep traditional politics out.

On the NYC live streaming video and chat, discussion about issues is encouraged, but partisan comments (specific parties and politicians) results in a swift boot out of the discussion. The site states that “moderators do not allow partisan comments or any incitement to violence, but ideas are welcome.”

See live video when available, and reruns other times at:

I believe one reason Occupy has snowballed is because they have been successful in keeping any special interest group from taking control of the site and organization. Their parliamentary procedures are impeccable – it is a truly Democratic decision-making process in how the organization and protests are organized and run. It makes people feel that their voice is being heard, not just in the streets, but in the organization as well.

So What’s IT really about?
The biggest issue facing the Occupy movement is the lack of a clear and coherent message, but that is not stopped similar efforts from popping up elsewhere in the United States. There are 34 organizations supporting Occupy movement currently.

The Boston Occupy website, ( lists many groups from unions to ethnic organizations to activist groups focused; on everything from foreclosure prevention to climate change to justice-related issues. The Boston Occupy, which held a festival and march Friday and Saturday and has targeted Bank of America in recent weeks and states on its website that its aim is to “stop their greed,” “fight for an economy that works for all of us” and “build cities that are democratic, just and sustainable.”

Occupy Chicago ( for instance, entered its 10th day on Sunday, has a simple statement as its mission, “Occupy Chicago is here to fight corporate abuse of American democracy in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.”

The website of Seattle demonstrators ( describes the nationwide Occupy movement as “a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions.”

An additional statement on the Seattle site quotes the New York Occupy site in referring to the sharp divide between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of society, “The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%,”

It is this message that really started it all, and if the movement is to quickly get stronger, their democratic and parliamentarian process taking place on their websites of defining the movements message – had better hurry up before the movement goes beyond the message.

So far, from what I can gather, the Occupy Movement is protesting about:

* The income discrepancy between the top 1% of Americans, and everyone else.
* Home foreclosures
* High Unemployment
* 2008 Bank bailouts
* Corporate greed
* Government corruption
* Money spent on our wars

The Solution
The other big issue facing the Occupy Movement is the fact that they have not developed any solutions that they are pushing for. I can’t find any information on their sites that offer solutions to the issues/problems that they are protesting.

In order to get more people to join the movement and make it more mainstream, they are going to have to do the following:

1) Clearly define what they are protesting about, and get it down to a simple clear statement. Protesting about greed is not enough; it has to be more specific.

2) Make their message unified on all the Occupy websites and Social Media platforms

3) Once the Mission statement is clearly defined, they need to define a solution – a solution that they are protesting for, and who needs to make it happen

4) They need to do these things quickly before the movement looses focus, which will cause it to loose its energy.

The Occupy Wall Street site announced this morning that they unanimously voted it’s first official document for release, a declaration of why they are doing what they are doing:

It is a start. The site also declared that they are working on three more documents, that will likely be released in the upcoming days:

1) A declaration of demands.
2) Principles of Solidarity
3) Documentation on how to form your own Direct Democracy Occupation Group. This will be a living document.

Living In America
Things in America and the World are getting worse as populations increase and resources decrease. This is our future, and we as a people are going to have to deal with these facts and issues.

If done properly, this can be a peaceful process that can transform our society and government for the better – which is the hope I have, and is hopefully something that can become a reality.

Wake up America, it is time to do what our forefathers have done, and improve the system that they set-up for us.

For more information:

Occupy Wall Street Websites:  – Mainsite – Facebook!/OccupyWallSt – Twitter

Occupy Movement Websites:  – Main Site – Wikipedia page – Original Adbusters site – Live video streams – Photos

Occupy Movement City Websites:  – New York City – Chicago – Seattle – Boston – Los Angeles

Good Luck America!!

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Occupy Wall St. is spreading to a city near you - is helping to organize the Middle Class in America.

Get the money out of politics with Part II – The constitutional amendment and how to make it a reality.

Get the money out of politics with Part II – The constitutional amendment and how to make it a reality.

Get the money out of politics with Part II – The constitutional amendment and how to make it a reality.

The article I published earlier this week, got a lot of comments and exposure, it was a nice little emotional rant that made me feel better (calling politicians “Whores”, is a great way to release all the anger that their political incompetence generates):

More importantly to me, my friends and family have devoted a lot of time discussing this issue and the proposed Constitutional Amendment that Dylan Ratigan’s website is proposing.

If you haven’t gone to the site and registered, click here :

The site is trying to sign up as many people as possible for support for the following Constitutional Amendment:

“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”

The Best Idea?
For sure, the idea of a constitutional amendment to the constitution that will get the money out of politics is much needed, and who’s time has come.

The fact that a politicians vote can be bought with a large enough campaign contribution is simply bribery, prostitution and a treasonous crime against America – all rolled up in one act.

The discussion among friends and family was NOT about the need, but about the proposed amendment itself.

So let’s take a closer look at it, sentence by sentence:
“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office.”

No one seems to have an issue with this, but the first question is – How do the candidates run for office? What about Federal Election Funds? What about free TV and media exposure/time?

The real question here is: Where will the money go?

Getting the money out of the election is critical, but the key to making this work will be adding something about special interest groups and lobbyists.

Therefore, I propose the following changes to the first sentence of the proposed Constitutional Amendment:

“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office, except for those funds given to the candidates by the Federal Election Commission public campaign fund.”

I would add the following sentence to deal with the lobbyists and Special Interest groups:

“Neither elected Federal Public officials, nor are their spouses allowed to accept any gifts or money from no person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign while holding public office, except for the US government salary for that office. Any income other then the US Government salary must be declared, and given to the FEC public election fund.”

The above will make public office, a real service to the country, since you or your spouse will not be allowed to earn any money outside your government income. This would limit the ability of lobbyists and PAC’s to buy politicians while they are in office.

Next I would add this sentence to the Constitutional Amendment:

“Any member, employee, staff, or volunteer of PAC’s, SuperPAC, or Lobby groups are forbidden to have direct personal communication with Federally elected officials, nor are they allowed to advertise on behalf of any person running for Federal office.”

No Problem
The next part of the Constitutional Amendment says:

“Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution.”

No one seems to have any issue with this, or any thing to add. It is needed to make the first part of the amendment legal.

Every Day is a Holiday
The last part of the Constitutional Amendment says”

“Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”

This actually seems to provoke a lot of discussion, with many of the people saying it is not necessary.

It would also be hard to enforce, and may actually reduce voting turn out since people will use the day for holiday or leaving town. Better to simply make the voting day on a Saturday, in which most people don’t work.

I propose adding that, to the last line.

So, in summary, I would like the Constitutional Amendment to look like this:

“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office, except for those funds given to the candidates by the Federal Election Commission public campaign fund.

Neither elected Federal Public officials, nor are their spouses are allowed to accept any gifts or money from any person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign while holding public office, except for the US government salary given for that office.

Any income other then the US Government salary must be declared, and given to the FEC public election fund. Any member, employee, staff, or volunteer of PAC’s, SuperPAC, or Lobby groups are forbidden to have direct personal communication with Federally elected officials while in office, nor are they allowed to advertise on any medium on behalf of any person running for Federal office.

Congress shall set the day of any Federal Election for that of any Saturday of any given week or month, for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”

Ring the Bell
If you agree with my changed to the Constitutional Amendment, then let Dylan Ratigan know it by:

Emailing him at:

Tweet him at:!/DylanRatigan

Message him at:

Facebook him at:

Contact government officials at:


Good Luck America…

Get the money out of politics with Part II – The constitutional amendment and how to make it a reality.

Get the money out of politics with Part II – The constitutional amendment and how to make it a reality.

Get the money out of politics with – Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to solve the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Get the money out of politics with - Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis

Get the money out of politics with - Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis

If you have read my little blog at least once, then you know that I have not really been impressed with our government’s effort to run in a competent and intelligent way.


Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

The US Economic Crisis – Spending, Debt and Possible Solutions

EDIT: Note I wrote a Part II to this article:

Well, it seems that I am not the only one pissed off. Dylan Ratigan (Host of MSNBC’s ‘The Dylan Ratigan Show’ and Author of the soon to be released ‘Greedy Bastards’) is using his media time to promote a new effort to get the money out of politics.

Fact: 94% of all elected politician in the USA, are the one who received the most money.

Mr. Ratigan has launched a new website (which immediately crashed when he announced it on his show today) called:

He also wrote about it in HuffPo:

The site is trying to sign up as many people as possible for support for the following Constitutional Amendment:

“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”

Now, this could be just Dylan drumming up an empty rhetoric machine to increase viewership on his program, but I don’t think so.

He seems as pissed of as I am about the politicians in Congress and the White House; who sell their souls, drop their pants and spread their cheeks for any company with $50k or more who will contribute to their election campaigns.

It’s sick, and will reduce this great nation to a 3rd world dictatorship with no morals, ethics or a care about anything – except the large multinational corporation’s and global bank’s profit margins.

I remember that in 1984, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan ran against each other for President of the United States. Do you know who much money they each raised from corporate donors and PAC’s? ZERO!!! None, nada, zilch, 0.

Now it costs $500+million dollars to win the White House, and in 2012 that number should hit $1 F-ing Billion!!!!!

Joke’s On Us
It’s bad enough that these jokers we call our politicians are moving their mouths and saying things that they don’t believe in, in order to keep their jobs.

But watching the political debates in congress on banking reform, healthcare, the budget, the debt and on the EPA – it is so clear that before most of our politicians vote in Congress; they go find a closet so that the corporations who paid for them to get elected (or those corporation’s lobbyists) can molest them in private. As the gas lobbyist grunts from behind, “Oh, Senator, we know you really want to vote for gas fracking in the town where you live. Right?”

And who are these companies, lobby groups and banks? Americans? Maybe in name, but the reality is that many of them are multinationals and or foreign governments who own some or all of them.

If the large “non-political” multinational fortune 100 companies could dictate American politics, then they would get rid of any environmental, business, anti-trust and banking regulations. They would get rid of any pension, union, fair trade and health requirements. They would also reduce the business tax rate to zero. It sounds like today’s Republican Party in general, don’t it. The Business party. The Democrates are not innocent, plenty of them are selling their soul’s in the money closet as well.

So, what can we do about the US Politician Whore Crisis?

1)    Go visit – sign up and get on board.

2)    Use to write your politicians and let them know that you are going to support the constitutional amendment, and will only vote for candidates who will vote for it.

For more information on

3)    Call your House of Representative and Senator, and tell them if they don’t support the constitutional amendment – that you will vote them out of office in the next election.

4)    Vote for candidates that support the constitutional amendment.

5)    Join peaceful and non-violent protests and marchs against money in politics, and in support of the constitutional amendment.

Good Luck, and together may we end the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Dylan Ratigan tries to do something to get money out of politics and solve the US Politician Whore Crisis.

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

Note: Dear readers, please excuse my emotions and any profanity in this opinion piece about the incompetent and stupid whores that are our CURRENTLY elected official in Congress.

The Problem

The root of the debt crisis is simple – our government spends more money then it receives.

As I have written in previous posts, there are only three ways to deal with this:

1)       Cut government spending till the amount we spend = what our government receives in revenues (taxes) – known as the Extremist Republican Doctrine

2)       Increase the amount our government receives in revenues (taxes) till it = what our government spends – known as the Extremist Democratic Doctrine

3)       Cut government spending, and increase revenue (taxes) till they equal the same number – known as the Duh Doctrine

For the details as to why the only real solution is the Duh Doctrine, please see my previous posts:

The US Economic Crisis – Spending, Debt and Possible Solutions

Top Boston University Economist Laurence Kotlikoff says the U.S. Is Bankrupt and should double taxes

This article is not about our long-term national debt problem – it is about the current short-term and unnecessary issue about raising the National Debt Ceiling.

The Long-Term solution to the Debt Crisis AND the National Debt, is to reduce the Budget by 50%, and increase Taxes by 20% – which will balance the budget, and reduce our national debt to zero in 10 years. It will devastate our economy, but it will solve the problem, and 10 years from now our country will have a bright future for our children. This is what was done in WWII – it is call sacrificing for the betterment of our children.

Let’s just review some facts:

1)       There has always been a debate about raising the National Debt Ceiling, and it has always been raised (see chart):

The raising of the National Debt Ceiling chart.

The raising of the National Debt Ceiling chart.

2)       The problem is NOT the National Debt Ceiling, it is the larger issue of how do we pay off $15+ Trillion dollar National Debt, when we incur an additional $1.5 Trillion in Debt each year?

3)       The debate about the National Debt Ceiling is an election maneuver:

  1. The Republicans want to make Obama look bad by this debate so he will lose the election, which is why the House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio – R) plan is a short-term solution with the next raising of the Debt Limit debate timed just before the election.
  1. The Democrats do NOT want to have the debate before the election, which is why the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed (Nevada – D) plan raises the Debt Limit enough so the next debate is after the next election.

4)       Both plans reduce National Deficit by about $1+ Trillion in about 10 years – still not enough to have a balanced budget, and it will have a net impact of still INCREASING our National Debt!

5)       The National Debt can NOT be reduced until we have Budget surpluses. Something that has only happened once during the last century!!

6)       The fact is that neither of the currently proposed bills that Congress is voting on addresses the real issue – $15 Trillion US National debt and $1.5 Trillion annual budget deficit.

The fact is that neither of the currently proposed bills that Congress is voting on addresses the real issue - $15 Trillion US National debt and $1.5 Trillion annual budget deficit.

The fact is that neither of the currently proposed bills that Congress is voting on addresses the real issue - $15 Trillion US National debt and $1.5 Trillion annual budget deficit.

Let’s add salt our wounds

So, the morons in Congress have decided that winning next years elections should cost our country dearly.

The ‘Debt Crisis’ is an election driven debate – it is NOT about what is best for the country.

So, let’s see who is to blame.

Note: In order to raise the Debt Ceiling, the House has to pass a bill, that the Senate must pass, and the President must sign. It takes all three.

The House of Representatives of the United States
The House currently has a Republican majority, and is the party that has made this an issue. All that had to do was pass the standard raise the debt limit bill like they have under Republican and Democratic presidents. Instead, Boehner smelled blood for the 2012 election if he could make the President look bad, and since they couldn’t make an issue of this President’s lack of intelligence or that he has his dick sucked by interns – they decided to try the “it’s all his fault that we are talking about this instead of JOBS” routine. The Senate and the President will NOT pass this bill.

The Senate of the United States
The Senate currently has a Democratic majority, and wants to punt the real decision and debate till after the 2012 election. They have a bill that extends the Debt Limit debate till after the election, and reduces the Debt by about $1.7 Trillion over 10 years. The Senate will pass this bill and the President will sign it. The House will not pass the bill.

The President of the United States
The Republicans want to make this guy look like Satan, since he is a Democrat looking to get re-elected next year, and Barack Obama has been fighting that. His way was to broker a deal with the Republicans, that would reduce the deficit by $4 Trillion+ over 10 years, and would push the Debt Limit debate out pass the election. In the end they had a deal that made a significant impact on the Deficit and was a balanced approached involving significant budget reductions, with some minor tax loopholes that effected the wealthy and added a small amount to the revenue the government receives. Since it did not solve the Republican requirement that the Debt debate take place before the election, John Boehner walked out of the discussions.

For me, the Blame belongs to:

The House of Representatives Republicans for their insistence that the Debt Ceiling debate takes place before the election; and for not passing a plan that the Senate and President have agreed to – which would solve the short-term problem.

The blame also falls on the American people, for allowing a two-party system funded by corporations and special interest to develop, leaving our government grid locked before any election – and not allowing for a real solution that would involve sacrifice for the betterment of our country and our children’s future.

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

What to do?

We only have a few days before the Debt Limit issue starts affecting our country.

So, what can we do:

1)       Use to write your politicians and push them to vote to simply eliminate the Debt Ceiling in the first place. Also tell them that if they don’t vote/produce/pass for a balanced budget for next year, that you will vote them out of office in the next election.

  1. For more information on

2)       Call your House of Representative, and tell them to vote to simply eliminate the Debt Ceiling in the first place. Also tell them that if they don’t vote/pass a balanced budget for next year, that you will vote them out of office in the next election.

3)       Live your life simply. Pay off your debt, reduce spending and save money, you will need it later when our economy collapses under the weight of our National Debt.

4)       Stop watching FOX News AND MSNBC. Both are stupid. They are blaring the extremist sides of the issues and both are biased. There is nothing more you need then the facts: our country is in debt, our future in jeopardy, and we need to cut the budget and raise taxes. Vote for people who will do that.

5)       Go solar if you can – when our electric grid collapses from cyber attacks, lack of maintenance and/or increased demand from global climate change – you will still have some electricity.

6)       If you believe that America must cut the budget significantly and raise taxes significantly in order to make a secure future for it’s children – run for office on that platform and vote for people who do the same.

Good Luck America.

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011

Dear Morons in Congress, here is a solution to the Debt Crisis 2011