OK, I found this really cool site: which is a site that allows you to write a letter to local or federal officials – and then easily e-faxes the right politicians in your area.

Very easy to use. For health care I sent the letter below to the President, my senators, my congressman and the governor:

“[dearpolitician puts in the right name in the beginning]

I spent the first 30 years of my life without health insurance. Now I pay $350 a month for a plan with a $1500 a year deductible and a $1,000,000 lifetime coverage max. They only cover generic medicine, so I have to pay an additional $170 a month for my meds.

I don’t want to get sick, because I am afraid they will up my premiums, or just simply drop me.

We are held with a gun to our head by the greedy insurance companies who make large election donations and pay a lot of our premium money to lobbyist to protect their profit margin.

I am going to watch how you vote in health care and I will vote to re-elect candidates who:

  1. Vote for a Public Option (VERY IMPORTANT)
  2. Vote to make it a crime for insurance companies to drop someone after they get diagnosed with a serious disease.
  3. Vote to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing issues.

Heath care should be a right of every citizen of this country, and just like our tax dollar fund our right to defend ourselves with a military – health care should be government run by our tax dollars so that everyone get covered to the same level.

This is the way it is in every other civilized county in the world.

Vote for a Public Option (or better yet a single payer system), Coverage for pre-existing condition and coverage for all.

Also, can you tell me if you are ‘owned’ by the insurance companies, and how much money you have received from insurance companies for your election campaigns?”